
Course Information

Senior Seminar and Strategic Mgmnt (BUS 496)

Term: 2024-25 Academic Year Spring Semester


Coleen C. Arviso
Email address is hidden, click here to email

Office Hours

  • Start Date: Sep 13 2016 9:00AM
  • End Date: Sep 13 2016 3:30PM
  • Single Date:
  • Weekly Days: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
  • Note: Prefer Email at with clear subject and your first and last name, course name and section with clear question.

Office Hours

Office Hours Online: Mondays & Wednesday Morning 9:00 am to 11:00 am and 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm, email anytime but will respond within 24 hours.

Preferred Communication: Email or Text (505) 728-7069 [Ensure your include a meaningful and clear message - example: Chapter 1 -Quiz question 2 did not allow multiple answers].

Note: Prefer Email at with a clear subject and your first and last name, course name and section with a clear question.


The project completed during the semester will allow the studetn to demonstrate mastery of the competencies expected of graduates fo the Business Administration expected of graduates of the Business Administration program. Emphasis is on critcal thinking, effective communication, ethical decision-making, understanding of operating in a Navajo Nation context, and application of appropriate research methods. The student will assume the role of management consultant for the purpsoe of the project. In this role the student will identify problems and formulate reasonable solutions for a client they have identified as the focus of their project. An alternative project will be designed with the student in the role of a potential entrepreneur who proposese wo sewt upa new business based upon the student's ideas. The student will identify the product or service, the target market, potential challenges, and possible solutions to those challneges.