
Course Information

Welding Fundamentals II (WLD 130)

Term: 2023-24 Academic Year Fall Semester


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Emphasizes application of safety and gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) on carbon steel. Fabrication and repairs are stressed. Customer billing techniques are introduced. Introduces Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) safety, machine set up and shutdown procedures. Topics include personal protective equipment (PPE) GTAW uses, advantages and disadvantages, base metal prep, constant current (CC) power source, DCEP/DCEN polarity and AC current, tungsten types, prep and identification, types of filler metal, shielding gas uses and weld discontinuities and defects identification and corrective practices. Lab exercises include flat and horizontal positions on carbon, aluminum and stainless steel. Offered: Fall, Spring.
*Prerequisite WLD-101. Course Fee: $35.