
Course Information

3D Modeling/Animation (IT 445)

Term: 2024-25 Academic Year Spring Semester


Dr. Mark Trebian
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In this class students are introduced to the technical and aesthetic challenges of creating three dimensional animations. Topics covered include 3-D modeling, texturing, openGL, augmented reality, and 3-D environment design. Students who are interested in learning the fundamentals of basic computer geometry, will look at the basic elements that make up the 3D models. Students will be introduced to a couple of application programs that are used in today’s 3D modeling environment. Students will have hands on training in creating, lighting, editing and mapping of materials for the 3D models. Modeling projects will be planned, designed and produced. Students will be encouraged to work as a team. Students are required to produce a short (1-2 minute) 3-D animation project by the end of the semester. Prerequisite: IT-215. Offered: Spring.