
Course Information

Editing Concepts (IT 345)

Term: 2024-25 Academic Year Spring Semester


Aanor B. Louis
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Tue-Thu, 9:00 AM - 10:50 AM (1/21/2025 - 5/16/2025) Location: MAIN TECH 333


This course introduces students to the rules of editing through the use of non-linear editing systems. Students will learn about rhythms, screen direction, and continuity. Students will also learn about the key movements and concepts in the history of editing films, from Edwin S. Porter, to Segei Eisenstein to Hitchcock and contemporary editors. Students will speak the language of editing, apply the elements of editing to tell a story, explore and use sound track, and become proficient in the fundamentals of industry standard editing platforms.
Prerequisite: IT-225. Offered: Fall, Spring.