
Course Information

Introduction to Digital Ethics (IT 160)

Term: 2024-25 Academic Year Spring Semester


Mohammad Reza Ali
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Mon-Wed, 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM (1/21/2025 - 5/15/2025) Location: MAIN LIBR CONF


Ethics is important to any professional field. In Digital Ethics a number of issues are important. These include ethics related to the developers/customers relationship, the importance of “non-compete” agreements in commercial settings, maintaining standards, maintaining integrity in the development of computer programs and the management of network systems, protecting individual privacy for users of the Internet, designing and implementing firewalls and security measures to protect user information, respect for trademarks and copyrights, maintaining professional relationships with clients, co-workers, or users of systems the technician/developer/designer develops, maintains, or implements, and developing habits of professional behavior such as follow-up, honesty, openness, communication of challenges, and respect for others. Offered: Spring.