
Course Information

National Electrical Code Exam Prep (ERS 114)

Term: 2024-25 Academic Year Spring Semester


Virgil T House
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Tue-Thu, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM (1/21/2025 - 5/15/2025) Location: MAIN TRADE ELEC


This course will focus on preparation for the journeyman electrician exam. General information for learning methods on how to use the code, code arrangement, code enforcement, and code interpretations will be presented. Emphasis on code questions regarding wiring and protection, wiring methods and materials, equipment for general use and special occupancies, load calculations, special equipment and conditions, communication systems, cross sections of conduit and conductors, and conductor properties will also be studied. A series of code research projects will enable students to be better prepared to obtain licensing by a governing board or agency. The use of computers and software will be included to enhance code research assignments. Prerequisite: ELC101. Offered: Fall, Spring.