
Course Information

Introduction to Engineering (ENGR 103)

Term: 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester


Harry S. Whiting II II
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Tue-Thu, 9:30 AM - 10:50 AM (1/21/2020 - 5/14/2020) Location: MAIN TECH 325


This course Students develop the skills and tools necessary for solving both simple and complex engineering problems. This course discusses the fundamentals of engineering with an emphasis on the design process, ethics, problem solving and preparation for the study of engineering. The students will work in teams on an end of semester project. The student will be introduced to many concepts including breaking down problems, understanding the creation of a Design Notebook, Engineering Journal and Project Notebook. Hands on projects are used to help students understand reverse engineering and to explore creativity. This course is intended to begin the mastery of the basic knowledge and skills required for all engineering fields offered at Navajo Technical University. Prerequisite: MATH1215 or higher Offered: Spring.